You must have speakers installed or this script will not work

When running the program for the first time the firewall will ask you to allow it, make sure you check BOTH boxes for public and private.

If you are running an antivirus product it will need to be set to allow mirc.exe, antivirus tends to block MIRC since files are sent out while sharing

Ports will need forwarded to 7000 -7020, administrators/Ops can assist if needed.

You must setup from your home router for this to work correctly, if you are not at home please wait to enter until you are.

Watch for messages from administrators/Ops and in the channel.  If you leave your computer before setup is complete please log off and return when you have time.

Administrators/OPs are not paid to assist you please be prompt and fair with their time spent with you. 

Although we do not charge to be here, occasional donations are appreciated to keep the servers running. 

Your files must be organized in a main folder to share with subfolders by brand or artist, no loose files in the main folder except the karaoketest.txt file that is included with this download.

4 hours minimum online time is mandatory for each log in.  30 days without a login will result in loss of membership and a new setup that will then

require a $20.00 donation for the additional assistance needed.  Please be an active member if you are going to join this community.


MIRC REGISTRATION REGISTRATION IS - KARAOKEHEAVEN (all caps)  and the code is 8363-619702    this will save you $20 paying for it.